MDRCC on Cycle to Farm ride in North Carolina

I got this email and picture from John Wash who did the original design of the current MDRCC jersey.  I’ll take credit (blame) for mucking with his design and leaving the shorts out of the current run, but I can take no credit for the web site.  That belongs to Scott.

Hey Carl –

I think the new club web site looks fantastic.  Here’s a photo you might want to share on the site.  It’s a photo of me sporting the club jersey, and enjoying no-hands cookie eating at a rest stop during the July 16th Cycle to Farm ride in Black Mountain, NC.  It was rainy all day during this metric century ride, and at one point the ride was held up for about 30 minutes while road crews cleared a downed tree from the road.

Hope all is well with you, Judy, and your girls…
Best wishes,




Insensitive Traffic Lights


(This article from remote MDRCC member Jerry Mann)
It is very common for traffic signal sensors to fail to detect bicycles, and even motorcycles.  When no car is present to trigger the light, this results in bicyclists and motorcyclists being compelled to treat red lights as stop signs.  The problem is so widespread that North Carolina, at the urging of motorcyclist lobbying groups, has passed a law allowing a motorcycle to legally run a red light that won’t change after waiting three minutes, if safe.  The law does not specifically apply to bicyclists, however.  This creates confusion as to how bicyclists are allowed to handle a light that won’t change. Continue reading

Raymond Fouquet

Heather forwarded this to me.  Those of you who are members of La Grange will already know about this, but I’ll pass it on to others in our club with my own remembrance.

Back when I was in my twenties, and a far less experienced cyclist, I got my first fancy road bike.  It was handmade in Italy, had wheels that took sew-ups instead of clinchers, and featured the finest quality Italian components.  I had been riding along the coast and in the Santa Monica mountains quite a bit, and with this new bike, I thought I was pretty cool. Continue reading